Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A few links / Quelques liens

Here's a few librarian-related links that I found interesting a while back and that I wanted to bring to your attention, but I forgot / was too busy / too lazy, etc. (Quelques liens en relation avec les bibliothèques)

A short list of Manga that won't freak parents out

A l'occasion des récents congrès de science-fiction (WorldCon, Boréal) tenu à Montréal, le site du “Réseau” des Bibiothèques de Montréal a publié un article qui présente un très bref historique de la science-fiction avec quelques suggestions de lecture (the Montreal Libraries network website offers, in french, a quite short historic of science-fiction with a few reading suggestions).

I'll try to post more of that kind of links in the future (J'essairai de poster plus de ce genre de liens à l'avenir)...

And for more link suggestions, please check the “Shared Items” section on the right column -->

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